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The Omdia Independence Charter

  • Omdia’s research is completely independent
  • Omdia’s staff are completely independent
  • Omdia is completely independent

Our Independence Charter sets out precisely what Omdia means by ‘independence’, so that our customers can be confident that they are receiving truly independent advice.

Our analysts and consultants have signed up to the Charter, which sets out the three principles of independent behaviour and the explicit steps we take to enforce them:
  • Omdia’s research is completely independent
  • Omdia’s staff are completely independent
  • Omdia is completely independent

We implement the Charter in a transparent way. Customers and other parties with whom we have a relationship may seek further clarification in appropriate situations.
The Charter is a statement of best practice to which Omdia and its employees try to adhere at all times. However, it is not intended to, and does not, create any legally binding rights or obligations or form part of any contract with customers.

1. Our research is completely independent
1.1. Omdia retains editorial control and the right to express opinions (although we allow the subjects of our research to check facts when appropriate).
1.2. Omdia never charges vendors/service providers for inclusion in its research.
1.3. Omdia’s research or coverage is not influenced by whether a vendor/service provider is an Omdia customer.
1.4. Omdia does commissioned reports for subsequent distribution by vendors/service providers and all such reports will contain a disclosure that the work has been commissioned. We do not publish sponsored research in our syndicated services.
1.5. Omdia will not do reports for public disclosure or consumption which compare or evaluate products or services, commissioned by a company which provides those products or services.
1.6. Omdia will allow citations of short extracts, and the re-use of diagrams, graphs and/or tables from our research, providing the rules of our Citation Policy are fully adhered to. Omdia’s Citation Policy can be found on the Omdia website.
1.7. Omdia’s research is not influenced by our use of products/services for our internal systems.

2. Our staff are completely independent
2.1. Omdia staff may not share tips or other financial advice.
1.2. Omdia will monitor, manage, and remove conflicts of interest by its employees.

3. Omdia is completely independent
3.1. Omdia is not dependent on any single client. Our largest client accounts for no more than 5% of sales.
3.2. Omdia does not invest in companies on which it performs research.