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2020 TV shipments hit 225.4 million the highest since 2013

17 February 2021

Shopping for a TV

LONDON (February 17, 2021) - Global TV Shipments in Q420 hit 70.2million the best fourth quarter results since 2015, with total global TV shipments reaching 225.4 million the highest since 2013, according to Omdia’s latest TV Sets Spotlight.

North America shipments were 51.9 million, the first time the market has been over 50 million in a quarter, while Europe accounted for 48million the highest since 2014. China’s total shipments declined slightly from Q3 20 to 48 million devices.

The picture was mixed across the globe: the surge in TV has been matched by notebook PC and monitor demand, placing unprecedented stress on the LCD panel supply chain. Tightness of supply has led to very rapid LCD panel price increases, typically by 60%-100% over 2020. Brands have been forced to choose between regions for allocation of scarce components. TV prices have risen, while promotional activity has been muted. As a result, the most price-sensitive or lowest-margin regions have seen falling shipments. Shipments fell year-on-year in China – all other regions accounted for some to little growth. Emerging regions were down against 2019 with only with only Japan, North America and Europe posting growth.

On the technology axis, OLED TV shipments grew strongly in 4Q’20 to 1.5 million, up 38% from a year earlier. New OLED panel capacity in China is feeding robust demand especially in Japan and Europe. UHD-resolutions were 58.0% of all shipments, up from 54.5% in 2019.


TV shipment history (rolling four quarters) line graph

Chinese Brand Growth: 

From a brand point of view, 2020 saw Chinese brands grow shipments in all regions outside China at double-digit levels.

Chinese brand growth TV shipments table


Paul Gray, Senior Research Manager, at Omdia commented: “2020 was the year when Chinese brands really made their mark outside their domestic market with three quarters of unprecedented growth. Hisense is now the leading company in shipments in Japan through its own and Toshiba brands, something that seems unthinkable only a few years ago.

“While these results were very strong, 2021 will see multiple headwinds. The most important is shortages of LCD panels. The TV industry is not immune to broader supply tightness and is seeing problems with availability of semiconductors in particular low-margin types such as LCD driver ICs.

“To finish the year at record levels in North America and the best year globally since 2015 is a tribute to the adaptability of supply chains, brands and retailers. When pandemic countermeasures loosen, consumers can be expected to redirect spending away from home and demand for TV sets can be expected to weaken.”




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