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Quantum Computing Intelligence Service

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Deep-dive coverage of the commercialization of quantum computing technology. Covers emerging technology and market trends influencing the commercialization opportunity for quantum computing hardware, software, and services. Key areas of focus include the quantum computing technology stack, vendor ecosystem, and adopter, investment, and regulatory environments.

The analyst team
Sam Lucero
Sam Lucero

Chief Analyst, Quantum Computing

Sam Lucero
Josh Builta

Research Director, AI & IOT

Josh Builta
Alexander Harrowell

Principal Analyst, Advanced Computing for AI

Alexander Harrowell
Amni Abdul Ghapar

Research Analyst

Amni Abdul Ghapar
Siraj Aziz

Analyst, Cloud and Data Center

Siraj Aziz
Sivalingam Muniandi

Research Manager

Sivalingam Muniandi
Roy Illsley

Chief Analyst, IT Operations

Roy Illsley
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